It’s a story as old as time.

One person meets another, they fall in love and live happily ever after.

But for so many reasons it’s gotten harder over the years to meet that someone special.

What if there was another way?

Hi, it's nice to meet you.

SinglePinz (Single People In New Zealand) is an enamel pin.

It offers a simple way for singles to identify and meet each other while going about everyday life.

Let the world know you’re open to meet new people. Just pin on the bright green or purple pin and head out into the world.

Pin on a little confidence.

Even though meeting someone new can be a little nerve-wracking, it's also exciting.

Wearing a SinglePinz pin makes saying “Hi” to someone new a little easier. It shows you’re looking for that someone special and you can spot other singles out and about who may be looking for you. And thankfully, it eliminates those awkward questions about relationship status.

So smile and break the ice with a comment about their pin.

Get off online dating.

If you're looking for real connection and authenticity. Tired of endless messaging and trying to guess someone’s intentions. Turn off the apps. Put down the phone. Put on your SinglePinz and meet romantic prospects for the first time in real life, and just maybe bump into the love of your life.

You’re in control.

It’s up to you... pin on, pin off, when and where you feel like it.

Share the fun!

SinglePinz is a simple and inexpensive way to take the guess work out of knowing if someone is single and looking for a social connection.

Order a SinglePinz pin now for yourself, your single friends, even your single Mum and find love in real life.